Exporting clients
In order to use the export clients feature you will need to navigate to the clients page.
Clicking the export button located to the right of the "Add Client" button at the top of the page will export all clients and their associated claim types, identity resources and protected resources.
When exporting clients their secrets and certificates will not be exported. Any clients that have secrets or certificates will be flagged for you to review upon import.
Exporting specific clients
To export specific clients you can select clients individually within the clients list or use the checkbox at the top to select all. When you select clients from the list the export button will display the number of clients you have selected.
Note: If a client is reserved it is not selectable for export.
Example JSON
The format of the export is JSON. Below you will see example JSON displaying a client that has been selected for export along with its associated resources and claim types.
Note: Although you can edit this JSON manually before import, it is not advisable due to potential parsing errors
"metadata": {
"exportedAt": "2020-01-20T09:49:12Z",
"exportedBy": "info@rocksolidknowledge.com",
"exportVersion": "2.6"
"clients": [
"clientId": "a46cfa01b4704f16a9fec1cd6cc4b015",
"clientName": "RSK_SPA_HR",
"description": "HR management portal",
"enabled": true,
"clientType": 7,
"protocolType": "oidc",
"requireClientSecret": false,
"clientUri": "https://localhost:5000",
"requireConsent": true,
"allowRememberConsent": true,
"allowedGrantTypes": [
"requirePkce": true,
"allowPlainTextPkce": false,
"allowAccessTokensViaBrowser": false,
"redirectUris": [
"postLogoutRedirectUris": [
"frontChannelLogoutSessionRequired": true,
"allowOfflineAccess": false,
"allowedScopes": [
"RSK Profile",
"alwaysIncludeUserClaimsInIdToken": false,
"identityTokenLifetime": 300,
"accessTokenLifetime": 1800,
"authorizationCodeLifetime": 300,
"absoluteRefreshTokenLifetime": 2592000,
"slidingRefreshTokenLifetime": 1296000,
"refreshTokenUsage": 1,
"updateAccessTokenClaimsOnRefresh": false,
"refreshTokenExpiration": 1,
"accessTokenType": 0,
"enableLocalLogin": true,
"identityProviderRestrictions": [],
"includeJwtId": false,
"alwaysSendClientClaims": false,
"allowedCorsOrigins": [
"properties": [],
"backChannelLogoutSessionRequired": true,
"nonEditable": false,
"deviceCodeLifetime": 300,
"reserved": false,
"claims": [],
"hadSecrets": false
"identityResources": [
"name": "RSK Profile",
"displayName": "RSK Profile Resource",
"description": "This is the RSK Profile resource",
"enabled": true,
"required": false,
"emphasize": false,
"showInDiscoveryDocument": true,
"allowedClaims": [
"nonEditable": false
"claimTypes": [
"name": "RSK-Id",
"description": "This is the ClaimType RSK-Id",
"required": false,
"reserved": false,
"valueType": 0,
"rule": "",
"ruleValidationFailureDescription": "",
"userEditable": false